
In this mission, let’s adopt a “problem-solver” lens. Look around and see how you can make things better. When you make things better, you create value. Money is just the by-product of this process, a signal that you have succeeded in value creation.

Operating this way unlocks a bigger reward: purpose. Our brain is tuned to see only the problems we care about, that annoy us. And the world pays those who solve problems. Thus, if we can spot a problem that we care about and the world is ready to pay for it, we hit the sweet spot! This marriage of passion with money leads us to our purpose, which can even become our medium for individuation.

This is why you will notice that problem solvers, call them scientists, artists, inventors, or entrepreneurs, who believe in their cause, tend to be more fulfilled individuals. Their thoughts and actions are aligned with their purpose.

But with years of social conditioning that has tuned us to operate in limits, a problem solver lens is not easy to adopt. So, this mission has two components to practice as the SEX model:

1. Strengthen your problem-seeking muscle

  • Rewire your brain to see problems even in often-overlooked places

  • For example, when you see a gatekeeper, maybe at a mall or office, standing the whole day with negligible interactions, do you see just a person doing their job or a problem?

  • One problem can be the “lack of human touch” for them. Once the problem is spotted, go out of your way to solve it. Smile and wish them a good day. Mean it

  • In this case, instead of money, them smiling back will be your value earned. If you don’t get any signal, then either you are doing it wrong, or you assumed something wrong about this problem

  • Similarly, find more ways to help others, like holding doors, offering water, etc.

2. Explore opportunities to make things better

  • Revisit your passions listed in the Ikigai list (Star of Spirit – Level 2)

  • Consciously navigate your day looking for ways to help others, make things better, or things that annoy you

  • Note down the ideas, solutions, or problems, that come to your mind, in an idea journal

With the SEX model, you will be able to strengthen your problem-seeking muscle. And with time, synergizing this muscle with your passions will tune your mind to spot a purpose. Just be patient since the process can take anywhere from one day to 3-4 years, but the journey will still be fulfilling, owing to the sense of contribution that follows from small gestures of helping others, your random acts of kindness.

Eventually, this will rewire you from pure selfishness to selfish altruism. Create value, money will follow.

P.S.: For ease and effectiveness, you can merge your individuation journey with the problem-solver lens. Refine your Ikigai list every 1-2 months with your new ideas and stay consistent. Set an alarm if needed.