Delete My Account & Data

Surreal Works cares about your peace and privacy. With the form below, you can easily ask us to delete your account and all the associated data, even if you stopped using our apps a while back.

Note that account deletions are permanent and cannot be reversed. Upon deletion of an account, all its session history and saved data are deleted.

Please note: 

  • Refunds cannot be issued by Surreal Works after an account has been deleted and deleting an account yourself will not automatically generate a refund. If you would like to request a refund, please contact us and do not delete your Surreal Works account.

  • Deleting your account will not resolve login, premium access, or other technical issues. Please contact us if you are having trouble with your Surreal app, i.e., Kosma or Memento Mori. 

  • You must cancel an auto-renewing subscription before deleting your Surreal Works app account, otherwise Apple/Google may still charge you.