Our Story

Welcome to Surreal Works, your destination for holistic wellness and lifestyle transformation. Founded in 2022 by Kirti Vardhan Pant, we are a Bengaluru-based company dedicated to empowering individuals on their journey towards self-improvement and personal growth. Our mission is to enable more than 70% of humanity by 2030 to lead fulfilling lives, unlocking their true potential and expressing themselves to the fullest through their creations and way of life.


At Surreal Works, we believe that heaven is not some distant place but a state of being that we can cultivate in our everyday lives. Our tagline, "Heaven is Here," reflects our commitment to helping individuals create a meaningful existence right where they are. We offer a comprehensive ecosystem of both surreal and real-world experiences designed to enhance well-being and support personal development.


Central to our offerings are our two acclaimed apps available on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. "Memento Mori: The Stoic Way" and "Kosma: Life, Growth, Purpose" have garnered widespread recognition, boasting a remarkable rating of 4.8 stars and a dedicated user base of over 50,000 individuals worldwide. These apps are not limited to a privileged few; we believe in democratizing wellness and making the keys to a "life well lived" accessible to everyone. Thus, we ensure that even those who cannot afford the full experience can benefit from the abundant value we provide.


At Surreal Works, we pride ourselves on integrating the best of both worlds: science and philosophy. We understand that true transformation comes not only from knowledge acquisition but from practical application and integration of lessons into one's being. Our apps draw from a rich tapestry of wisdom, embracing timeless philosophies like Zen and Stoicism, as well as insights from influential figures such as Mahatma Gandhi, Maya Angelou, and Carl Jung. We integrate principles from various religions, forming a holistic approach that resonates with individuals from diverse backgrounds. Through our apps, users can learn, practice, and apply these invaluable teachings, guiding them towards personal growth, emotional well-being, and a sense of purpose.

However, Surreal Works is more than just apps. We offer personalized 1x1 consulting services, ensuring that individuals receive tailored guidance on their unique paths to self-discovery. Additionally, we curate wellness retreats, providing transformative experiences in immersive environments, where individuals can deepen their understanding and practice of holistic well-being.


This is only the beginning of our journey, and we believe that together, we can achieve remarkable transformations. At Surreal Works, we foster a sense of unity and interconnectedness among our community. We are committed to continuous improvement and helping one another live better lives. We firmly believe that we are all connected—One.


Join us on this extraordinary quest to become the best versions of ourselves and unlock the infinite possibilities that lie within. Surreal Works welcomes you to embark on a transformative journey towards a life filled with purpose, well-being, and self-expression. Heaven is indeed here, waiting to be discovered.