
It’s time to start detaching from your identity!

Sounds extreme? Now that you know about imaginary voids and the futile identity chase, all you need is practice. Slow down. See if you are getting attached to an identity. If yes, breathe out any definition of “I” that you are holding on to. For example:

“I am a good Christian mother who fights liars”


“I am a good Christian mother”


“I am good”


“I am”

No, you do not need to stop being a mother or renounce Christianity. Nor do you need to go live in the mountains. But you cannot let these identities imprison you and keep you from growing either.

Let the winds of change lift you into the skies of life. Fly free.

P.S.: To find your attachments, you need awareness, and slowing down is your key to it. Feel free to use any of your existing habits to slow down, like journaling, breathing, or walking.

P.P.S.: Remember, your identity is NOT the problem. It’s your attachment to it that we need to loosen a bit. And one of the easiest ways (but not the only way) to spot this attachment is if you ever wonder, “What will people think?” whenever you wish to try something new.