Imagine, you have $86,400 in a locker, but someone steals $10 from it. You know who the thief is but have no proof. What will you do?

  1. File a case on the thief and pay $1000 legal fees to get your $10 back, or

  2. Learn from the mistake and keep the remaining $86,390 safer next time

Option 2 seems better, right?

But often in life, we choose option 1. Here’s how: We have 86,400 seconds every day, but if someone behaves badly with us even for 10 seconds, we fall into a negative state of mind, spending the rest of our day or even weeks brooding over this incident.

Why not save the remaining 86,390 seconds here?

Next time something spoils your mood, visualize this scenario. Your future self will thank you 😊

Respond, not react.