
In this mission, we want you to spread the magic of your smile to bring a positive change to the world. But the difficulty of this challenge lies in how easy it seems.

To smile, you need to put in a conscious effort (unless you are a baby). An average human child smiles more than 400 times a day whereas adults average at just 20 smiles per day. This is a big difference! How much do you smile?

Here are three ways you can increase your chances of smiling:

  1. Just do it: Don’t overthink. Just commit, “I will smile at whoever I see.” If you are an introvert, you can start with familiar faces. The best part is you don’t need to talk at all. Just smile and go on with your work.

  2. Zero Expectations: Do not smile with a desire to be smiled back upon. This is even more true for strangers. Just do it for your own benefit and to feel comfortable with smiling.

  3. Mean it: Use your smile as an expression of gratitude. Thank the other person in your heart for being there, especially if you know them. For instance, when you smile at a guard at work, it could mean gratitude to keep you safe.

P.S.: Goes without saying that you should not smile in serious situations like getting scolded at school or work 😜