The definition of “successful” varies from person to person, but all successful people have one thing in common: action. Action in turn is influenced by their mindset, on which there is something to learn from the self-made billionaire Peter Thiel.

Thiel, a famous venture capitalist, and co-founder of companies like PayPal and Palantir, asks a question from any startup which pitches its 10-year plan to achieve a grand goal, “Why can't you do this in six months?”

Sounds familiar? Yes, Thiel is using Parkinson’s Law here.

Thiel applies this everywhere, and says, “You should take your 10-year life plan and ask, ‘Why can't I do this in six months?’” In an interview with author Tim Ferris, Thiel says, “I went to college. I went to law school. I worked in law and banking, though not for terribly long. But not until I started PayPal did I fully realize that you don’t have to wait to start something.” He observed that people often drag their plans because they think that is the only way. What they need is to challenge their thoughts.

Of course, sometimes things can be complex enough to take 10 years, but the question is still worth asking yourself. It pushes you to manage your time better. It makes you aware of whether your 10-year estimate is a reality or just a story you are telling yourself.

Challenge your long-term plans today and break the imaginary boundaries that are limiting you. Be limitless ✨