
As always, the final mission is to perform a combined streak of all the lessons learned in Level 3. But as you attempt to synergize these lessons, like how beliefs come into play in groups, or how individuation can make you selfless, there is more you can do. You are a Kosmik explorer after all 😊

Enter this mission with a broader goal of deepening your compassion. And no need to push yourself to go out and express compassionate gestures. Start with meditating on the idea of “we’re all made of stars” and the magic of life amidst all the entropy. The rest will follow itself. Do it in any free moment, or before journaling. Why?

You see, compassion, and love in general, is the binding force of human experience. And as your compassion grows, you will notice that all your previously acquired Kosmik skills of responding, empathy, caring, and presence gain a new depth. They do not feel like something you have to do but flow out of you spontaneously.

Compassion is their final frontier, the full bloom of acceptance.

And at that moment, when you are open to receiving everything as it is, you realize that the jewel was always in the lotus.