For this mission, start by creating performance statements for challenging moments. If this is your first time, do not overthink your statement. In fact, you can follow these steps to get done in just 10-15 minutes.
Start with 2-3 life aspects where you wish to change or perform better
Visualize yourself in these tough situations, but performing your ideal behavior, like staying awake during a lecture, or learning better from criticism
Note down these ideal behaviors as performance statements
Feel free to refer to these sample statements. It would be even better if you personalize them based on your situation, so they stay realistic in your context.
When you don’t feel like exercising:
“Play my energizing music and put on the gym clothes.”
When feedback feels bad:
“Keep emotions aside, listen to what I am being told, and learn from my mistakes so I don’t repeat them.”
When trying to study:
“Block out distractions, sit straight, and get started.”
When feeling overwhelmed:
“Slow down, take a deep breath, and give my best to one thing at a time.”
Once your statements are ready, it’s just a matter of practice. Visualize yourself acting as per your performance statement every day, preferably in the morning, when the mind is fresh. And when the actual tough situation shows up, just repeat your performance statement in mind, and do as you had visualized earlier.
P.S.: To make this mission easier, you can write down your performance statements in a journal or sticky note, that you are likely to see while doing your daily rituals.