…and we are back!
Hope you are already feeling the benefits (and the pain) of working out. Worried if you are going too slow with only basic movement? No problem. It all counts if you stay regular. Before we go further, take a moment to appreciate your commitment to a better life! See how the bigger picture is slowly taking shape with each small step 😊
From Vinci to Socrates, and Knight to Roosevelt, many great personalities lived by strict exercise rituals, but it is not all about building muscles. It transforms our brain and the rest of the body way more than we see on the outside.
In your brain, the main benefits of exercise come from new brain cell generation and the release of performance-enhancing chemicals. Here are some established benefits.
Long-term memory: As the hippocampus (brain’s long-term memory center) grows with new cells, your capability to remember things for longer also improves
Lower risk of mental conditions: Prefrontal cortex and hippocampus are the worst-hit regions in old-age conditions like Alzheimer’s and dementia. Since exercise increases available cells in these regions, the progression of diseases is also slowed down
Mood and focus: Combined effects of a bigger pre-frontal cortex (center for complex activities like planning) and mood-boosting neurotransmitters make sure that you stay peaceful and focused
Rest of the Body
Lower diabetes risk: Exercise makes it easier to prevent or manage diabetes, especially as it prevents sugar build-up in the blood. Studies show up to 60% risk reduction for type-2 diabetes
Improved physical abilities: The most visible benefit is growth in muscle mass and a leaner body. This enables you to do even demanding physical activities, and keep obesity at bay
Better circulatory function: Aerobic activities strengthen your heart and lungs muscles. This combined with lower bad-cholesterol levels due to exercise reduces your risk of getting heart attacks
Ok, enough facts. As we always say, the value lies in the application. If you are not consistent with exercise, you will see only a few or none of these benefits. So better be aware of why you are doing this. Just think of a reason from your life, or pick it up from this list, and make a Kosmik Key out of it. Do whatever it takes to ensure that exercise becomes a way of life for you here on 😉
To close, we paraphrase Nietzsche’s quote: If you know your why you will figure out a how.