When it comes to planning, sometimes you may end up overestimating the importance of a useless task, and sometimes you might not know what is important. It is fine, give it time. Just breathe, plan, and learn from the previous day’s mistakes. Awareness will grow slowly.

Here is a planning process you can try to do more with less:

  1. Every night, list your tasks for the next day and ask yourself, “Why should I do them?”

  2. If you don’t have an answer for something, remove it. Among the remaining, mark the most important ones as important (starred tasks in the Kosmik Quests)

  3. At the end of the next day, review previous tasks and if you missed a starred task, ask yourself, “Was it really important?”

  4. Based on the answer to the question in step 3, plan the upcoming day and repeat steps 1 to 3

Do less, do it well. When in doubt, remember the words of Confucius:

Life is simple but we insist on making it complicated.