Call it a coincidence but the proportion of water in both our body and Earth’s surface is almost similar, at around 70%. Sadly, what’s even more similar is our attitude towards it – one of neglect and ignorance.
We love to work towards a better future, at both personal and societal levels – from a great job and dream vacation to massive cellular networks and exponential production capacity. But love is love, and “love is blind.” Here’s some food for thought.
While someone sacrificing their health and not drinking enough water in the pursuit of their dreams might seem like a non-issue or even a glorious feat, it is this same blindness at the societal level that has led to countless industries polluting water at an unprecedented pace. As we chase our desired future, blinded by love for it, are we forgetting the essentials?
Water supports life, from our bodies to diverse ecosystems on Earth. But in this blind race for progress, we have also stripped the earth of its resources. Today, as millions of people struggle to get clean drinking water, some of us not only waste it but even pollute it. Now you do not need to feel guilty about it. The problem is complex, but we hope when it is in your power to make a choice, you will make one out of awareness, and not blindness.
We need to stop romanticizing our goals and start empathizing with our future selves. We need to overcome the myopic vision of progress and see the bigger picture. Do all you need to do to live the life of your dreams but also realize the price you are paying for it, be it the personal sacrifice of relationships or the societal sacrifice of putting future generations at risk.
What use is your success if your body cannot sustain it, and what is the point of all the societal and technological progress if our planet cannot sustain it?