“Out-of-the-box” thinking is not always about some life-changing idea. During the mindless sessions, your mind can give you a lot more than your expected outcomes of business ideas and solutions. You can end up bringing a new perspective to even the most mundane things. And many of these may leave you laughing. So, here’s our suggestion: note it all down.

Yes, we would like you to write down even the silliest and smallest things because why not! And to accompany you on this journey, we have a golden recommendation of likeminded people 😉

“Showerthoughts” is a community on Reddit, with over 23 million members sharing “thoughts you might have while carrying out a routine task like showering, driving, or daydreaming. At their best, showerthoughts are universally relatable and find       the amusing/interesting within the mundane.”

To give you a taste, here’s a post by the user therichmiller:

“Due to scientific testing on animals, we’ll probably have immortal mice before we have immortal humans.”

Link here:


Have fun! 😊