
As usual, it is time to face the last 4 missions together. Remember that with each small win you are reducing the burden that holds you down from living fully. You are dropping behind the deadweights that keep you away from experiencing life in its true form.

But never take anything to extremes. In no way does this detachment mean that you should stop watching your favorite shows, or thinking about the past and the future. What matters is that you become more aware of whenever your mind chases these states, and ask yourself: “Is my monkey mind running away from the present? Should I be doing something essential instead?”

If the answer is “Yes,” gently use one of the habits acquired here to bring the mind back to the present moment.

So, let us set on the mission to ensure that the last four habits become a part of your fabric. And of course, feel free to revisit previous Skrolls over these 21 days.