You are already applying the ASAP method to beat procrastination, and we hope things are getting better than before. How about polishing the tools further? 


In ASAP (Awareness + Start Action + Break the PAW), while awareness and breaking the PAW belief get better with meditation, there is still a lot to try to Start Action. Let’s dive in!


We will equip you with two psychological tools, from which you can create your own hacks. Smart, right? That is the Kosmik way 😉


Tool #1: Work with your laziness, not against it (Tip the balance in your task’s favor)

Humans are lazy animals. Super lazy! No example is needed… you can look at yourself.


In any task we do, we take the path of least resistance, the easiest way possible. And that is mostly good because it can save energy and time. But not always.


One way to look at procrastination is that your brain seeks the path of least resistance to feel good. When you have one week left to the exam, watching TV is an easier way to feel good than studying. But when there is just one day left, studying is an easier way to feel good, because watching TV will make you feel horrible, fearing the possibility of failure. But what if you made studying easier one week earlier itself?


The idea is this: Make doing the important task easier and distractions tougher. For instance, if you need to study for an exam one week ahead, try these:

  • Make desired action easier: Keep your books and stationery ready on the desk, schedule a review session with a friend so you feel accountable, and lower your expectations from yourself (you are not studying to score 100% marks, rather become more knowledgeable)

  • Make undesired action tougher: Cancel your streaming subscriptions (Netflix, etc.), put your phone in a digital locker for study time, or make a Ulysses Contract with self to not leave your study spot for a fixed time


Your hacks can vary, and work the best when personalized, but essentially you should lower the barrier of doing the desired action and raise the barrier of distractions. By and by, you will find it easier to Start Action and overcome procrastination.


… to be continued