Remember, with every choice you are saying “no” to a noisy life, unaffected by trends and opinions. But you are surrounded by a world that rewards a fast-paced life, always expecting more. Under this world’s influence, when your monkey-self pushes your brain too hard, and you lose your peace, keep these Kosmik questions close:

  • Do I wish my kids or loved ones to live like me? Am I setting a bad example?

  • By saying “yes” to everyone’s requests, am I setting wrong expectations?

  • What choices should I make to slow down?

In this final mission, you simply need to perform all the last three habits from Fountain of Freedom – Level 1 together, so they can get etched deeper into your being. In this process, feel free to personalize these habits, so that they don’t feel like a burden but instead become a part of the new “you.” That is the ultimate success and purpose of this whole Kosmik adventure.